03 November 2011

Restarts After Safety Car

I'd rather have as few safety car periods as possible in Grand Prix races. Seeing as we do have them why not use them to add as much excitement as possible to the proceedings.

I expressed my thoughts about cars pitting during a safety car period in a previous post. In essence I don't believe anyone should be allowed to pit once the safety car comes out until the whole field is bunched up behind the safety car, or alternatively nobody should be allowed to pit at all while the safety car is out.

Getting back to the topic of restarting the race after the safety car period. Often lapped cars are in between cars on the leading lap so when the race is restarted the lead lap cars don't have the opportunity to try and gain positions. They first have to get past the cars that are a lap down first before they can try to make a pass on their direct competitors. Often by the time the leaders have dispensed with the lapped traffic, they have spread out and are not in a position to challenge each other.

As the field is once again bunched up it seems a pity to not give the drivers chance to make up a position. I would like to see one of two solutions to this. Let any lapped cars, who are in between lead lap cars on the road, pass the safety car and unlap themselves, leaving all the lead lap cars in one group directly behind the safety car. The second idea is to send all lapped cars to the back of the field before the restart so you would have the lead lap cars at the front of the field and all the cars a lap or more down at the back.

My final wish would be to have double file restarts. The the drivers forced to stay in formation until they cross the start line. That would be like another start to the race and could be very exciting.

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